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Lower School (Junior Kindergarten - 5th Grade)
We start teaching Spanish daily to students in Junior Kindergarten and Mandarin daily to students in first grade. Kindergarten through fifth grade students receive a solid eighty minutes or more in reading and writing in English daily in addition to Math, Science, and Social Studies. Cursive writing is also a part of the curriculum. Students also begin to have opportunities to join band and participate in youth athletic programs.
Lower school students as a whole are actively taking part in educational field days, conducting research in Science and Social Studies, studying Physiology in Health & Fitness classes, and playing daily at recess.They are also developing fluency in multiple languages, becoming active in their community, and participating in multiple extra-curricular activities.
The rotating class system, strong curriculum, knowledge that our professionals share, and the individualized level of attention catapults our young students in areas of critical thinking and social development. Third, Fourth, and Fifth grade students average scores on the ACT Aspire within the top twenty-five percent in the nation. They, also, test with above average fluency for non-native Spanish and Mandarin youth speakers.
Class Size
Teacher to Student Ratio:
Jr Kindergarten
1st - 5th
We strive to keep class sizes small, in order to provide the individualized attention students need to excel in school.
Tutoring is available to students that may need a little extra assistance in any subject matter.
Hands On Learning
We want to leave a lasting impression on a child's learning experience. They can pretend to be an Archaeologist by chipping chocolate out of chocolate chip cookies with toothpicks, or they can pretend to work for NASA in a simulator in Huntsville, AL. Students here have amazing opportunities across all disciplines to learn from dedicated and passionate teachers without just pencil and paper.
Parent Involvement
In the lower grades, children love to see their parents. We encourage parents to visit for lunch, engage with teachers in classroom activities, volunteer to be a recess helper, run a club, help with book fairs, and attend a number of events for the little ones.
If time does not allow you to be on campus as much as you would like, we have an online system, called Sycamore, that enables parents to communicate directly with teachers, monitor participation, discipline, grades and understand classwork and homework for their children in almost real-time. Parents will receive notes, requests for tutoring, conferences, and be able to see upcoming events and details.
We rejoice and recognize that kids are a bundle of energy and need to have fun. Recreational time is just as important as Academics. We have scheduled recess periods to foster a healthy lifestyle, social interactions, and fun time on our fenced in playground or in our gym.
Before & After School Care
Lyndon Academy offers before and after-school solutions for busy parents. If you need assistance between the hours of 7:00AM and 5:30PM, then we can help. At Lyndon, students are welcome to join us, have a small breakfast snack and prepare for their day ahead as early as 7:00AM. Students are also welcome to stay after school at Lyndon for after school enrichment care until 5:30PM.
We invite students to take advantage of our staff directed after school program where students can complete homework, play games and enjoy an after school snack daily. We offer a daily rate for before and after school care and discounted package rates. You may use the days at your discretion and recharge as needed. Unused days do not roll over into the next scholastic year.
Lower School News
Lower School
Upcoming Events
Meet Our Lower School Faculty

Ramona Bryant
Junior Kindergarten Teacher
"Believe in your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem."
- Walt Disney

Sue Coll
Lower School Spanish Teacher
"No one should have to choose one language and culture over the other, because having both is undeniably better than having just one."

Amanda Dills
Math Teacher
"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
- Benjamin Franklin

Diana Dowd
Mandarin Teacher
The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your potential...these are the keys that will unlock the door to
personal excellence."
- Confucius

Ashlei Jarrette
Junior K Teacher
A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every person leaves a mark"

Bobbie Spamer
Social Studies Teacher
"Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom."
- Oprah Winfrey

Kelly Webb
Language Arts Teacher
"The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you'll go!"
- Dr. Suess

Reba Willis
Kindergarten Teacher
"Believe in your dreams, no matter how impossible they seem."
- Walt Disney
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