Apply Online
Whether you are enrolling a junior kindergarten student or high school student,
we are here to help you every step of the way.
You can find a summary of the application process below along with our online application.
For a printable version of the Admissions Application, School Record Form, and Teacher Recommendation Form, please visit the Forms & Requirements page here.

Basic Information
Current School Information
Student 2 Basic Information
Student 2 Current School Information
Student 3 Basic Information
Student 3 Current School Information
Student 4 Basic Information
Student 4 Current School Information
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Financial Aid
Criteria for Eligibility: Adjusted Gross Household Income is the primary factor for determining the level of financial assistance. However, Lyndon Academy does review other factors to determine your out-of-pocket expense.
Adjusted Gross Household Income Definition: Adjusted Gross household income includes, but is not limited to: taxable income, foreign income, trust funds established for students, alimony payments received, and child support payments received.
Completing the financial aid portion of this application is optional, however, by skipping this portion of the application, your family will not be considered for financial assistance.
Lyndon Academy Financial Aid Policy
Proof of income is required before financial assistance can be awarded.
Lyndon Academy financial aid is a secondary source of financial assistance when nothing else is available. Other sources of funding are primary and may replace some or all of the Lyndon Academy financial aid. These primary sources are not limited to Student Scholarship Organization funds, Special Needs Scholarship funds, and financial gifts.
Proof of income is required and will need to be provided and verified each year to maintain the financial assistance.
We encourage you to submit your application with all other required documentation as soon as possible. Please not the that applicants may not secure financial aid until the admission process is complete.
All applicants must submit the following:
Completed Lyndon Academy Financial Aid Application
Copy of most recent Federal Tax Filing (if self-employed, include business returns)
I attest that the information provided in this application is accurate and true. I understand that any FALSE statement in this application for the purpose of seeking financial assistance will subject the applicant to dismissal from Lyndon Academy and a loss of funds.
By typing my name below, I understand and agree that this form of electric signature has the same legal forces and effect as a manual signature.
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Your application has been submitted!
Thank you for your interest in Lyndon Academy! Our Admissions Office will review your application as soon as possible. If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact us.
We look forward to the possibility of welcoming you to the Lyndon family.

Admission Application
Thank you for your interest in Lyndon Academy. Our admission process is aimed at discovering the best qualities of our applicants and determining how they will add to the Lyndon Academy community. The admission application must be fully completed in order to receive consideration.
All applicants must submit the following:
Completed application form
School Record Form with Parent or Guardian's signature
School report card
English language test scores (if student is not a native English speaker)
Teacher Recommendation Form(s)
Most recent standardized test results (if available)
In addition, all applicants must:
Have paid the assessment fee of $150 per applicant
Be screened, observed, and/or take a standardized admissions test (if applicable)
Lyndon Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national or ethnic origin.
Family Life
Primary Guardian Information
Secondary Guardian
(if applicable)
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Final Information
Student-Parent Agreement
I acknowledge that the information presented on this application form is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any untruthful statement in this application for admission will subject the applicant, if admitted, to dismissal from Lyndon Academy.
I understand that I and the applicant will abide by all rules and regulations set forth by Lyndon Academy during the admissions process. I acknowledge that I am responsible for my actions, and I am responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged school property. In the event that said property is lost, stolen, or damaged, then I understand that I am obligated for the cost of replacement or repair.
I also understand that this application does not complete the admissions process and that the process is not complete until Lyndon Academy has received all applicable paperwork and the applicant has been screened, observed and tested. I have read and agree to all provisions stated in this application.
By typing my name below, I understand and agree that this form of electric signature has the same legal forces and effect as a manual signature.
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